5 Reasons Small Business Owners Need a Break

Whether you are a Photographer, Florist, Planner, or Boutique Owner, ALL of us Small Business Owners have something in common: the buck stops with us. No matter how much we delegate responsibilities, there are always decisions to be made that ONLY we can make- and these decisions are often urgent. But perpetual living in ‘Red Light Zone’ is putting too many small biz owners in states of adrenal fatigue and burnout, where their productivity is halted by a doctor because their body DEMANDS rest! 

So, instead of giving yourself that inner pep-talk (and outer Vente Caramel Macchiato) to get yourself to keep working…here’s a list of things to tell yourself you need, that just may IMPROVE your business, as well as your life! 

1- Inspiration

Your business began with a dream. Ideas may have kept you up at night from the start, and your website reflects much of your passion and creativity. Now that you are a few years into the flow of business ownership, you know that innovations to those early dreams and ideas are constantly needed. Yet, your dreams don’t flow the way they once did. Sounds like you need a vacation. Just a few days of turning that to-do list OFF will allow those other parts of your brain to wake up and get moving!

2- Energy

The best gift you can give each of your clients, is YOU! Your energy, personality, patience, and love are why they hired you in the first place. If you can’t show up feeling like yourself anymore, it’s time for a rest.

3- Connection

You probably started your business as an outlet to provide for those you love most, your family! These people need to know that your relationship comes before the business. Getting away with them gives you time to stay connected, to talk about life, to make memories!! You will not regret time spent WITH those you love. However, time ignoring their needs will not come back.

4- Well Being

In the midst of starting a business, it may be that parts of “you” were put aside, so more attention could be given to the new effort. It’s important not to let those special interests, hobbies, or causes lie stagnant forever! Taking a break gives you time to recall things you once enjoyed or valued, and consider how to incorporate them back into life as a Small Business Owner.

5- Reward

If a lot of hard work only leads to more hard work, where is the fun in that? It’s important to enjoy the fruit of your labor from time to time! Taking a break from the routine of hard work stirs up a grateful attitude about the business God has blessed you with! Hey, YOU get to decide when you go on vacation- that’s something to be thankful for! 

Our family lives in the resort community of Amelia Island, Florida- just 3 hours from Orlando, Florida, home of Disneyworld…and pretty much all things theme park! Driving home from our Spring Break trip, I’m looking through the week’s memories with new inspiration, better connection with my family, a rested body and mind, reminded of many things I enjoy, and feeling like I’ve been rewarded for working hard.

So…what’s keeping you from the BREAK you need? I have a feeling you’ll believe it was worth it when you get to there.

Julie’s Blog